Ultimate Nightmare Set Read online

Page 3

  Shotgun Ammo: 10

  Once she kills the zombie, she sees there are two doors. There’s one behind her and another to her left. Trying to open the door behind her the door is locked, but it has no etching on the doorknob. Realizing that she doesn’t need a key to unlock it, she tries to pick the lock and is unable to.

  Lockpicking Skill - Level 4 required.

  She gives up on the door and decides to check the other door that opens right away. She finds herself in another storage room where some old furniture is stored. The room is rather dusty and most of the sofas are filled with spider webs. A few pick ups are seen on a desk.

  Picked up a jar of Gunpowder A

  Picked up a jar of Gunpowder B

  She decides to check the desk further and sees a draw that opens when she pulls the handle. Upon opening the dusty desk, she spots an item inside.

  Picked up +7 Shotgun Shells. Shotgun Ammo: 17

  After getting the shells, she doesn’t find anything else in the room and decides that she has to backtrack to the metal door she was unable to unlock before. She heads back upstairs and reenters the upper portion of the dining room. The only source of light in the upper portion stems from the full moon that breaks through the stain glass window.

  The light stems the most ahead of her and as she looks straight ahead she spots the zombie that was eating the butler on the wall. The zombie’s head is seen going through a spike bleeding on the wall. The sight of the disfigured head and the bloody spike is enough to send shivers Sabrina’s spine.

  “Oh my goodness, what or who could do such a thing? I’m starting to sense a very sinister presence here. I don’t believe this was caused by vanity, something is behind this, and I believe someone has a hand in this.” She says after witnessing the gory sight.

  Heading back to the upper part of the main hall, she spots a door that she did not see before and decides to head there. Once she gets inside, she finds herself in the second floor balcony with a glass table that hasn’t been used in a long time. There is a pick up on the table.

  Picked up a pistol clip. Pistol Ammo: 76

  After picking up the extra ammo, she continues down the balcony until she spots a member of the Bravo team on the floor. She also spots Thomas by the body as well.

  “Whoa! Don’t scare me like that!” Thomas replies after being scared by Sabrina.

  “That’s what I was going to say.” She replies.

  “Anyway, just take a look at this!” Thomas says as he points to the dead body and continues, “It’s Trevor! Oh… my God!”

  “It’s awful!” She says after seeing the bit up body of her former teammate.

  “I’m going to find out what caused Trevor’s death. I think he was killed by a crow or something.” He says as he looks at the body.

  “I’m starting to see some really terrible things in this mansion like there is a monster in here!” She replies scared.

  “Wait, before you go. Trevor was holding what seems to be a weapon. I think you better take it with you.” He tells her to pick up the weapon.

  Picked up a Grenade Launcher. Contains 6 Standard Grenades.

  The standard grenades are effective against zombie hordes and the like, but weaker against other creatures.

  “Cool weapon, but how about you?” She asks him in concern.

  “Don’t worry, I have this!” He responds while proudly showing his Colt Python Magnum.

  “Ok, take care.” She answers while he nods his head.

  She heads back inside and gets back on the path to the locked door. She returns to the east storage room to craft more ammo.

  Sabrina loads the Gunpowder A into the reloading station.

  +20 Pistol Ammo is created. Pistol Ammo: 96

  She loads the Gunpowder B into the reloading station.

  +7 Shotgun Shells is created. Shotgun Ammo: 24

  After crafting more ammo, she heads back to her journey to the locked door. She returns to the hallway with the priceless China plates and then a horde of zombies break through the window. The zombies enter the hallway and begin to get up. Pulling out her pistol she tries to kill them, but it’s four against one. Eventually the zombies begin to get the best of her and begin to bite her from all angles.

  Pistol Ammo: 89

  Condition: Caution (Level 2)

  “Oh my God I’m in trouble now!” She screams as she is taking serious damage.

  Trying to survive, she pulls out her knife and stabs the zombie biting her on her neck. Once she stabs the zombie, she uses all her energy to push the other away from her. Limping her way out, she pulls out her grenade launcher and blasts all of them in one shot. The blasts tears apart the zombies and their body parts are all over the place. Also the China plates are either burned or completely obliterated from the face of the Earth.

  Standard Rounds: 5

  Condition: Danger

  “I better find something to heal myself. I don’t think I can take another hit or bite for that matter.” She says as she desperately looks for herbs or any healing items.

  She limps to the door and with the little energy she has is able to finally pick the door.

  Lockpicking skill improved to Level 4!

  Once she opens the door, she finds herself in the backyard where most of the gardening supplies are stored. Continuing to limp along and holding her left arm that is in bad shape, she takes out her shotgun not taking any chances. She reaches the end where she sees several herbs in the area and a bag of what seems to be Herbicide.

  However, before she can get her hands on the vital pickups, a couple of dogs hop the fence. They attempt to ambush her, but using her survival instincts she quickly turns around and shoots both dogs dead.

  Shotgun Ammo: 22

  Taking a deep breath of relief, she looks around to make sure no more dogs are hiding in the bushes. After taking a minute to look, she sees the coast is clear and lets her guard down. She begins to grab the much needed pickups.

  Picked up 2 Green Herbs and a Red Herb. The Red Herb can be combined with a Green Herb to create a Super Herb that heals you to full health.

  Sabrina combines a Green and Red herb to create a Super Herb.

  Sabrina uses the Super Herb.

  Condition: Fine

  Picked up Herbicide. Used to kill the root of a plant, could prove to be useful somewhere.

  After applying the herbal mixture on her wounds, she relaxes for a few minutes. However, she hears that screaming again of a monstrous creature. After hearing the noise, she runs inside not wanting to take a chance.

  “What the hell can that be? Thomas, Harry, and Barry are all in danger. That is unless they have already fallen victim to this hell hole.” She asks herself.

  Once she’s back inside, she realizes she won’t get much further unless she can get that door unlocked by the dusty storage room. She decides to take the shorter way around and head toward the hallway through the first floor. Upon reaching the hallway, she heads up the main set of stairs back to the upper level.

  Taking the same route she did before, she reaches the locked door and begins to pick the lock. Eventually after a little effort, she is able to unlock the door. When she enters through the door she finds herself yet in another hallway with the same eerie wallpaper from the dining room hall and a couple of zombies waiting. She kills the zombies rather easily from medium range and they both go down.

  Pistol Ammo: 80

  After killing the two zombies, she is not aware that another zombie with the same crimson face is around. The zombie slashes her with it’s long nails and attempts to grab her. However, she’s able to dodge the zombie’s grasp. She pumps a few rounds into the zombie, but it doesn’t go down. The zombie turns around and tries to slash her again.

  Pistol Ammo: 76

  Press “A” and “B” to dodge… Too Slow!

  The zombie lands another slash on Sabrina’s healing arm. It grabs her again, but she pulls out her survival knife and stabs it on the head. Once the knife is used, the zombie freezes where it is and only moves ever so slowly. Sabrina finishes it off with her pistol and it finally goes down. She pulls the knife out of the dead zombie’s head.

  Condition: Caution (Level 1)

  After killing off the crimson face zombie, she heads towards the end of the hall where she sees a white wooden door. When she enters she sees a mini garden where many of the flowers are raised. She sees a glass ceiling as well, with that she realizes that it’s a greenhouse. Seeing a few herbs and a shiny item up ahead, she tries to head to the back. However, a group of tentacles pops out and one of the slaps her back.

  She gets up just fine and takes minimal damage, but now has to figure a way to get through the plant monster. Seeing a water pipe from the fountain, she tracks it and sees it leads to the water pump. Currently it’s being feed special nutrients to keep it alive. However, upon further inspection the bag next to it says “Raven Hawk” and has the Hybrid Corporation logo on the bag as well.

  “Hmm… why is there a bag of the Raven Hawk Substance in a garden. Something doesn’t look right with this picture.” Sabrina begins to become a bit suspicious with the Hybrid Corporation’s involvement.

  Using her head, she takes the small bag of herbicide and pours it in the water pump in hopes that it will kill the tentacle.

  Sabrina USES the Herbicide and pours it in the water pump.

  The Herbicide is applied to the water tank and the water begins to turn blue. The blue water begins to pour into the roots of the tentacle monster and it begins to wither away. After a minute it eventually dies and it begins to decay rapidly.

  “So much for that plant freak.” She says after killing the plant monster.

  After killing the plant monster, she heads to the back and sees a key on th
e counter.

  Picked up a Mansion Key. It’s a key used to open doors in the Mansion.

  Sabrina decides to CHECK the key. Turning the key around, she sees it has a picture of a Knight’s Armor. The Armor Key opens all doors etched with a picture of a Knight’s Armor.

  After picking up the key she sees a few herbs.

  Picked up 3 Green Herbs. Sabrina uses one Green herb.

  Condition: Fine

  She mixes the two Green Herbs together to create a Enhanced Herb mixture that is capable of healing up to 50% of Health.

  Now that she has the Armor Key, she is able to open more of the Mansion. However, she knows with that key the chances are greater of her bumping into that monster that she keeps hearing. She can only hope that the new key she’s obtained will lead her to her teammates, especially Harry.

  Chapter 4

  She decides that she will start by unlocking the doors that needed the Armor Key before. Heading back up stairs using the backway, she heads through the upper portion of the main hallway. She enters the red velvet hallway and decides to unlock the first door to her right.

  Upon entering she is in the hallway leading to the servant’s quarter area. Once she enters, she hears groaning towards the back. Heading towards the back, she finds a member of the Bravo team on the floor.

  “Kenny! What happened to you?” She asks him.

  “Aghh… Sabrina is that you?” Kenny asks.

  “Yes it’s me hun. Now what did this to you? Looks like a snake bite.” She says seeing the wound.

  “It was a huge snake… me and my partner were fighting this… huge snake. It has to be poisonous and… she went to get something… to heal me. However, I think she might… have gotten lost or worse…” He says weakly and then screams in pain barely able to put together any words.

  “Listen Kenny, remain calm. I know where I can find some serum to cure you ok, just hang in there!” She says as she remembers where the serum is.

  Serum is located in the Medical Room.

  “I’ll be ok. I’m just worried about the others. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if one of us died…” He says before falling out.

  “Poor Kenny, he was always a team player and care about us. This tough chick needs to make sure he doesn’t go.” She says under her own breath.

  Sabrina knows that she doesn’t have much time to waste. She heads back to the red velvet hallway where she still sees the zombie that she killed before. Sabrina begins to open the door to head back to the main hallway, but she is shocked when the zombie that she just killed gets up and goes after her. The zombie has the same crimson face that the other super aggressive zombies have when they attack.

  Not taking any chances, she decides to run out of the hallway and continues to run until she reaches the upper portion of the dining room. Catching her breath as she believes she has lost the zombie that had gotten up, she realizes that the zombie that was hanging before is no longer on the wall. Becoming concerned that the zombie has resurrected, she quickly runs into the hallway where the medical room is located.

  Entering the light green hallway, she heads towards the medical room. However, a knock on the door alerts her quickly.

  “Who’s there?” She screams while holding her pistol.

  When the door opens, it turns out be another crimson faced zombie and Sabrina goes into a jump scare running for her life. She bumps into the railing nearly falling over through her own running force. The zombie growls as it spots her and it bull rushes her as it tries to grab her.

  Press “A” and “B” to dodge… Great!

  She ducks under the zombie as it runs towards the railing. The speed that it is running causes it to fall over the railing to the ground. Sabrina doesn’t let her guard down though, she pulls out her shotgun just in case it decides to get up again. She heads downstairs and sees the zombie is on the floor unresponsive. Knowing she has no time to waste and she doesn’t dare chance that the zombie is still alive, Sabrina enters the medical room.

  She spots the serum on the counter in it’s brownish liquid form.

  Picked up the Serum. Use this to cure Kenny.

  After picking up the serum, the zombie breaks through the door and enters the medical room. The zombie enters ready to grab her, but she is prepared as she shoots the zombie with two shotgun blasts that kills the zombie. The crimson face zombie limps before it falls hard to the ground while growling. She blasts the zombie one more time just to make sure it’s dead. Once the coast is clear, she exits the room and makes her way to Kenny.

  Shotgun Ammo: 19

  She gets back to the main hallway, the zombie that was in the red velvet hallway pops out of the door and chases her. Totally unprepared, she freaks out and attempts to shoot the zombie with her shotgun. However, her nervousness causes her to miss the shot entirely. The zombie slashes her twice dealing some damage.

  Condition: Caution (Level 1)

  After being slashed, she used the shotgun to slap the zombie down to the ground and once it’s on the ground she shoots it. The zombie begins to bleed indicating that it’s finally dead.

  Shotgun Ammo: 17

  “Umm… I saw blood on this zombie, but not the other one. Crap, so these zombies have the ability to resurrect. What else does this mansion have in store for me?” She asks herself.

  She reaches Kenny and prepares to inject Kenny with the serum.

  “Here Kenny, calm down I’m going to give you a shot.” She says as she injects him with the serum.

  “Agghhh…” He screams in pain.

  “How do you feel?” She asks.

  “I feel a bit better now, thanks.” He answers still weak.

  “Look just stay here until you get better, no need for you to get into anymore trouble.” She replies.

  “Here take my radio, try to get into contact with… Brad. See… if he can come get… you out of here. This is an open and shut… case… it looks like.” He says.

  “I wish it was that simple. We’re the only witnesses to all this, there’s no way the Governor is going to believe this unless we bring him hard evidence. Even if we survive this it will be hard.” She gives Kenny the reality of the situation.

  “I know, but… we got to survive first. Please find… the others… especially my partner… ohhh…” He passes out before he could say his partner’s name.

  Sabrina checks his pulse and sees he still has one. It’s probably the effects of the serum that put him to sleep. With Kenny asleep, she decides to continue her exploration with a door that she sees behind him. The door is full of dust and once she opens the door all the way she is blasted by dust in her face. Coughing and dusting herself off, she sees a mustard colored hallway that is supposed to lead to the servant’s quarters.

  When she walks in, she is grabbed by a zombie out of nowhere. The zombie takes a big chunk of her health before she’s able to push it out of the way. After pushing the zombie out of her way, she kills the zombie with her pistol.

  Pistol Ammo: 70

  Condition: Caution (Level 2)

  Deciding that she can’t take a chance on taking anymore damage she decides to use her herb.

  Sabrina uses her Enhanced Herb.

  Condition: Fine

  Going through the dusty hallway, she sees a beat up wooden door that is on top of a small set of stairs. Deciding to go up the stairs, she tries to open the door only to find it’s locked.

  The doorknob is etched with a picture of a Shield.

  “Oh great, another damn key to find I guess.” She says flustered.

  Heading back down, she’s able to spot a couple of doors on the other side of the hall to her right. Entering the first door to the right, she finds herself in the servant’s bedroom. All she can see is what seems to be the servant hung up on a rope of what seems to be a suicide. While she finds no pickups, she does find a note on the bed.

  Suicide Note (The note is filled with blood on it)

  “I can’t take it anymore! Ever since the Clarks or should I say those maniacs have been experimenting with the Raven Hawk vaccine I been witnessing terrible things. One time I sneaked into the back of the kitchen where I was never allowed and I saw something terrible.

  There were two spiders, but not regular spiders. These freaks of nature were huge. I’m talking about huge enough where they could cover a quarter of a room! I also noticed when I talked to Herman, he was brushed me off saying that I was delusional and I needed help.